Dr. Nikolas Zimmermann
- Zimmermann IT Consulting -
Senior Software Architect, Astroparticle physicist
Senior Software Architect, Astroparticle physicist
I'm one of the two founders of ksvg2, an open-source implementation of the Scalable Vector Graphics Web standard, which debuted in 2001 within the KDE open-source project. A few years later it got integrated into WebKit and provided the foundation of the SVG support in all WebKit derived browsers such as Apple Safari, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
I've co-founded kdom, kcanvas, ksvg2, khtml2 with my colleague Rob Buis.
These were pioneering projects paving the way for SVG in the modern Web.
Furthermore I'm a member of the W3C SVG working group and was an invited expert in the past.
I'm designing software since more than two decades and have vast experience in large-scale software development.
I'm fluent in C, C++, Python, Perl, SVG, CSS, HTML, JavaScript.
I enjoy learning new technologies and adapt to state of the art technology.
I hold a PhD in astroparticle physics obtained from RWTH Aachen University.
I performed a measurement of the cosmic-ray electron / positron flux using the AMS-02 experiment on the International Space Station - this is the main result of my PhD thesis.
From 2006 - 2010 I worked as a research assistant at the 1. Physikalisches Institut B - RWTH Aachen University, setting up test facilities for the AMS-02 laser alignment system, precise characterizations of the physical properties of Silicon Photomultipliers - proposed for the PERDaix experiment - and various hardware/software related projects that ultimately lead to the construction of a novel data analysis framework for the AMS-02 experiment on the International Space Station.
In 2008 I've started working part-time for TorchMobile, located in Toronto - Canada, on WebKit related projects, such as porting WebKit to embedded devices and extending WebKit according to our customers needs. From 2009-2012 I've worked for RIM (makers of the BlackBerry phone) full-time on WebKit SVG related topics.
After a long journey into academy, I've started my own consultancy In October 2019 - Zimmermann IT Consulting - providing advice in a broad area of IT topics: IT process optimizations, custom software solutions, eCommerce / ERP systems, etc. Furthermore I'm working with Igalia - providing consulting for WebKit related projects.
Igalia is a Free Software consultancy with headquarters in Galicia, Spain.
I'm part of the WebKit graphics team, constantly working on evolving the WebKit engine and delivering the best possible results for our customers. My main focus is rendering performance, optimizations on embedded devices and bringing new features to the SVG implementation in WebKit.
Odoo is a popular open-source ERP, used by more than 5 million users.
I've got a lot of experience customizing Odoo with self-developed plugins (modify workflows, improved UI, model enhancements, performance tuning, ...). I can guide you through the setup of a full-fledged Odoo instance: installation, configuration and maintaining your on-premise installation.
Shopware 6, is a popular eCommerce system, developed in Germany.
It provides a modern, responsive Web frontend as heart of the eCommerce solution. I can guide you through the installation and deployment of your eCommerce shop: design, layout and logic. Furthermore I can take care of integrating the new shop with an existing ERP system.
From 2005 to 2013 I studied physics at the RWTH Aachen University and obtained a diploma degree (M.Sc. equivalent).
In 2020 I finished my studies with
a PhD in astroparticle physics. I have been a major contributor to the AMS-02 experiment on the International Space Station.
Together with several colleagues from RWTH Aachen University, I developed a novel physics data analysis framework allowing to analyze hundred TBs of data with a
fast turn-around time utilizing thousands of CPU cores simultaneously on large-scale supercomputers such as JURECA at FZ Jülich.
This data analysis framework is used daily by the whole institute since years and is the basis for our physics results.
My contribution to astroparticle physics is a precise measurement of the cosmic-ray electron and positron fluxes as a function of energy and time with unprecedented accuracy - see my PhD thesis for details.
Let's talk about moving your business forward!
Zimmermann IT Consulting
Dr. Nikolas Zimmermann
Eurode-Park 1/19
52134 Herzogenrath
Phone: +49 176 42167981
eMail: info@nikolaszimmermann.de
Sales tax ID according to §27a sales tax law: